Work from Home Tips and Tricks
A woman is drinking hot chocolate and working from home on her laptop

Is anyone else getting tired of working from home? Don’t get us wrong, we’re beyond grateful and privileged to have the opportunity to work from home, but we also know the how difficult it can be. That first couple of weeks in March where working from home was a novelty seemed like a dream… but now that we’re heading into the holiday season, we’re all a little (maybe more than a little) drained from staring at screens all day and working where we eat and sleep.

Our Best Work from Home Tips

  1. Find ways to transition in and out of your work day. If you’re used to a commute, your adjustment period may be gone. Doing things to ease in and out of your day that symbolize you’re “going to work” or “coming home.” Leaving to go outside your front door & coming back inside – like you’re leaving for work (trust us on this one!)

2. Keep a calm space- organized, clean, with a candle lit and a huge water bottle nearby!

3. Schedule breaks and lunch and take them away from your work area. (It’s also nice to schedule breaks with coworkers/friends and talk about other things besides work!)

4. Create your own space. Even if it’s a small space in your home.

5. Having a comfortable desk or chair etc. makes a huge difference.

6. If your job relies on internet connectivity it can be worth it to spend extra money to get a signal booster– It makes a big difference in reducing our own anxiety about internet connectivity

7. Get dressed! Even though they can’t see your pants wearing pajamas every day isn’t good for the spirit

8. Still get up early enough to have a morning routine and have breakfast. It’s easy to just roll out of bed and turn on the computer, but get up and give yourself time to ease into the day.

9. Movement… this one is so important! Many of us went from walking to work, walking around at work, or even just standing more, to being completely sedentary. Get some movement in, even if it’s just a walk around the block or some gentle stretches.

Concluding Thoughts

We hope these work from home tips help you like they’ve helped us. When in doubt, remember these are unprecedented times and you are doing the best you can. Don’t beat yourself up. Give yourself and others grace and compassion.

If you have any other tips or tricks, let us know in the comments below! To learn more, contact us or book an appointment with one of our therapists.