
Originally utilized by the military to treat veterans and serve clients in rural areas, teletherapy is an online mental health counseling system that allows people to get therapy from the comfort of their own home. With more HIPPA compliant technology than ever and especially with the current health events going on in the world, teletherapy […]

  Self care is a buzz worthy topic these days. It’s all over instagram. But the truth is. it’s personal. It’s ever changing. It’s vital to managing stress and preventing burnout. AND -it’s not always easy. In fact, sometimes self care can be really difficult. The overall goal is figuring out what you need to […]

“Self care looks like doing something right now that you don’t want to do in order to take care of your future self.”- Amanda E. White, LPC Despite what society tells us, self care is not something that you buy. There’s no price tag on it. And its difficult because there are so many different […]

If you follow me on instagram, you may know that this past week we’ve been talking a lot about boundaries. (And if you’re not following me on Instagram…click here to join us!) It seems that a lot of us struggle setting boundaries in various parts of our everyday lives, so I thought this week we’d expand on that! […]

  What is the happiness trap? YOUR BRAIN IS NOT WIRED TO MAKE YOU HAPPY. YOUR BRAIN IS WIRED TO SURVIVE. Here’s the deal…. Our society teaches us that being happy all the time is “normal” and that should be our baseline. This is something called the “happiness trap” (coined by Russ Harris). But this notion […]

Whether we are talking about relationships with friends, parents or significant others, there is a disturbing communication trend I’ve been seeing in my office and in the world lately. I call it….”taking away people’s pain”.  If you or someone you know struggles with this, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy or DBT may be helpful for you.  This trend typically starts when we are […]

I spent years beating myself up. I thought if I was harsh and mean to myself, I could beat myself into submission, make my current mental state so intolerable that I would be forced to change. Instead, it had the opposite affect. The meaner I was to myself, the more I acted out… alcohol, food, […]

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