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There are many myths about eating disorders. As a Health at Every Size therapist, there are many things I wish more people understood about eating disorders. Let’s break down the four most common myths about eating disorders that cause harm.

Has your teen been struggling with their mental health? Are they experiencing moodiness, social struggles, school avoidance, or difficulty concentrating? Your teen does not need to have an official mental health diagnosis in order to benefit from therapy. Being able to support a teenager before they end up struggling with more complicated issues is a great time to get them into therapy. Conversely, if they are struggling with more serious symptoms like anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD, substance use or eating struggles, we can also help!

A teenager looks at her laptop and is wearing turquoise headphones.

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, a mouthful that encapsulates its core processes. Essentially, EMDR is a trauma treatment modality designed to target and reprocess traumatic memories stored in the brain. When trauma memories are stored in a dysfunctional way it can cause us pain and mental health issues.

Do you struggle with dentist or doctor anxiety? Many of us have gotten out of the habit of seeing our dentists and doctors over the past year because of the pandemic. Many people experience anxiety about going to the dentist or doctor, but with the pandemic this has gotten even worse. Dentists are reporting that […]

by Sam Dalton, MSW, LCSW If you are thinking about setting New Year’s Resolutions, keep reading for some tips on how to make them work for you! As a therapist, the new year has become an interesting moment of both observation and reflection. In my observation, social media platforms become filled with a flurry of […]

Stress is inevitably a part of our lives. It’s a natural human response to address challenges or changes in life. Stress doesn’t have to be a negative. We can use stress as a motivator to complete our to-do list; it lets us know what is important to us, boosts our performance, and even helps increase our ability to remember and store memories. However, it can also negatively impact our daily functioning if left untreated.

Yoga is a powerful tool for stress relief. As the holiday season rapidly approaches, stress often follows.

If your stomach is already in knots thinking of facing family members at Thanksgiving, or if your heart is racing imagining all the Christmas gifts you “have” to buy, take a pause.

Ongoing research continues to study the links between physical and mental health, as we know they are deeply interconnected. For example, chronic stress and anxiety can lead to disruptive physical symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, IBS and body pains.

I first learned what Mindfulness was when I decided to attend a Mindfulness Meditation group in college for extra credit. Looking back, I can’t believe I made it that far without knowing what it means to be emotionally and physically present! I spent a lot of time in my head worrying about what happened or what would happen next. When really, I needed to slow down and exist in that moment.

Even if it feels like you are light years away from menopause, it’s essential to understand how your mental health is impacted by hormones if you have a uterus.

In a culture that prioritizes youth, it can be scary and shameful to feel as though you are getting older. But growing older is human! The more people can openly discuss aging, including hormonal changes, the less shame there will be.

What is art therapy? I’ve been asking and answering this question for many years! And art-making in a therapy setting can mean different things to different people. I like to think I’ve perfected my go-to answer when meeting someone new and getting the dreaded yet well-meaning question, “So, what do you do for work?”

Our FREE workbook will walk you through the process!


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