Tools, tips and ideas to support your mental health in between sessions. Dive into our latest content, below!

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We experienced some benefits of telehealth therapy.

Some patients thrived in the telehealth setting. I had patients on my caseload that shared more with me in the first few weeks of telehealth than they ever had in six years of in-person counseling. Something about telehealth made them feel more comfortable being vulnerable. And it was so beneficial for some patients that they still see me via telehealth today. There are other advantages to doing so, such as:

Read on for our best work from home tips and tricks!

With more HIPPA compliant technology than ever and especially with the current health events going on in the world, teletherapy is becoming more important than ever. Many insurances do not allow teletherapy, however because our practice is out-of-network with insurances, anyone can engage in teletherapy!

Our FREE workbook will walk you through the process!


Is Therapy For You?