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Welcoming a new child into this world can be a time filled with excitement and joy. For new mothers, the postpartum period can bring a flood of emotions. While attention is given to postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety is another critical mental health condition that can affect new mothers. Recognizing the signs and symptoms is crucial for receiving timely support and treatment. Here are 6 common signs to look out for.

photo of a woman holding her baby with postpartum anxiety

by Sam Dalton, MSW, LCSW If you are thinking about setting New Year’s Resolutions, keep reading for some tips on how to make them work for you! As a therapist, the new year has become an interesting moment of both observation and reflection. In my observation, social media platforms become filled with a flurry of […]

What is art therapy? I’ve been asking and answering this question for many years! And art-making in a therapy setting can mean different things to different people. I like to think I’ve perfected my go-to answer when meeting someone new and getting the dreaded yet well-meaning question, “So, what do you do for work?”

We experienced some benefits of telehealth therapy.

Some patients thrived in the telehealth setting. I had patients on my caseload that shared more with me in the first few weeks of telehealth than they ever had in six years of in-person counseling. Something about telehealth made them feel more comfortable being vulnerable. And it was so beneficial for some patients that they still see me via telehealth today. There are other advantages to doing so, such as:

Grief- what a ride. It’s not a ride that anyone asks to be on, but it’s something we will all experience in our lives to some degree. If you’re lucky, it won’t be until you are old and gray.

My first experience with gut wrenching, life changing grief came 10 years ago (how has it been 10 years?!) when my dad passed away. It’s not something anyone can prepare you for. But, it does remind you how much you have loved. There is no grief without love.

Our mental health often improves as the temperature gets warmer and the days get longer. However, stress surrounding body image can also surface. We naturally wear less clothing in the summer to keep up with higher temperatures. But less clothing means exposing more skin and fewer opportunities to “hide” everything we’ve deemed hateable. At the same time, many of us also attend more social events because people finally want to get out and enjoy the weather! 

With the explosion of social media platforms, it seems that people are more prone to self-diagnosing these issues. So if you find yourself questioning, ‘Wait…do I have ADHD?’ Well, maybe! And you’re not alone in that question. However, the idea that everyone struggles with these symptoms to an extent can be dismissive to those who do.

by Leah Wright, LCSW The past two-and-a-half years have been an interesting journey for all of us. Our world shifted dramatically in March 2020, and we had to adjust to new norms beyond our control. If motherhood was also part of your equation, pandemic parenting probably felt (and may still feel) even more isolating, scary, […]

I am so excited to share that my new book, Not Drinking Tonight: The Workbook, is officially available everywhere books are sold! Though I specifically designed it for therapists, this workbook will benefit anyone wanting to dig deeper into why they drink. And while it focuses on alcohol, think of alcohol as the portal to […]

Keeping treatment relevant, timely, and on track. Therapy doesn’t need to be old school. At Therapy for Women, we believe in working to remain at the forefront of therapy techniques, methods, and technologies so we can best support our clients. Which is why we are proud to announce our use of MoodLinks and RecoveryRecord to […]

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