Tools, tips and ideas to support your mental health in between sessions. Dive into our latest content, below!

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What is art therapy? I’ve been asking and answering this question for many years! And art-making in a therapy setting can mean different things to different people. I like to think I’ve perfected my go-to answer when meeting someone new and getting the dreaded yet well-meaning question, “So, what do you do for work?”

Relationships, friendships, wedding planning- all of these things can cause chronic stress that can end in burnout. Societal constraints keep us trapped in this never-ending cycle of stress. We now understand that stress is a chronic condition and that burnout results from said stress becoming way too much.

With the explosion of social media platforms, it seems that people are more prone to self-diagnosing these issues. So if you find yourself questioning, ‘Wait…do I have ADHD?’ Well, maybe! And you’re not alone in that question. However, the idea that everyone struggles with these symptoms to an extent can be dismissive to those who do.

Self care is important for your mental health. Read on to learn how to incorporate self care into your daily life.

by Erika Pranzo, LPC “Fake it til you make it,” “sleep when you’re dead,” “power through it.”  Growing up in the competitive dance world, phrases like these were the only ones I knew. That’s why, when I first stepped onto a yoga mat in early adulthood, the instructor’s words struck me. “just being here is […]

Have you heard of the word Hygge? It is a Danish word that loosely means to get cozy and embrace the cold weather. If you struggle with seasonal affective disorder like us, hygge is a great approach. It is easy to forget how hard SAD can hit us. Fall turns into winter so quickly and […]

by Hannah McGrath, MA, M.Div Clients often ask, “why is it so much harder for me to be kind to myself than it is to be kind to other people?” I relate to this frustrating question. It makes me reflect on my own path to becoming kinder toward myself. Your journey might look different from […]

by Becca Adleberg, LPC SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, affects around 10 million Americans annually. More colloquially known as “seasonal depression,” SAD can play a large role in increased anxiety this time of year. Ah, Fall. Pumpkin spice lattes have appeared, leaves are changing colors, and for some people, anxiety may be starting to feel […]

It’s interesting to grow up with Taylor Swift and experience various milestones and heartbreaks along with her. Folklore and Evermore were incredibly important to me. So, the folky, soft lyrics that felt like warm candlelight became a source of comfort and helped me get through the darkest parts of COVID-19. I never anticipated that her […]

by Becca Adleberg, LPC There is a terrible cliche that goes: “you cannot love someone else until you can love yourself”. Over the years, there have been so many interpretations based on the original quote that have strayed far from the truth. Most of the time people misinterpret that you must love yourself fully before […]

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